Buzz_Hog's Articles In WinCustomize News
July 21, 2001 by Buzz_Hog
P)lease check this link and see what has transpired and assist in sending this rather distasteful human being your thoughts... E-mail this "wonderful" person at
July 5, 2001 by Buzz_Hog
Just downloaded the latest release of Winders XP which was moved to Release Candidate 1 today. The install was simple and fast and the OS is running smoothly so far. Looks like MS is sure making some great progress with this OS.
June 20, 2001 by Buzz_Hog
The art group Breed has done it once again with an amazing pack of wallpapers and digital art. Definately something you'd like to stop by and check out.
May 17, 2001 by Buzz_Hog
I received an e-mail to give permission to use my skins on this site. I have no skins posted anywhere that I know of and became weary about the site. When I checked it out, Dangeruss and Treetog's Winamp Skins are being featured. I'm not sure if they gave permission, or if the site is just posting their work.